A new bilingual sibling support app
Does your child with a disability or health concern have a sibling, aged 3-6?
You may be eligible to use the SibTime app in an 8-week pilot study.
Participating families receive $200.
Watch this video about the SibTime study
Space is limited!
To learn more and confirm your eligibility, please reach out to us today.
If your family is eligible and you decide to participate, we’ll invite you to:
Complete two online surveys that ask questions about family relationships.
Download the SibTime app onto your smartphone or tablet.
Use SibTime in English or Spanish, at the times and places that work best for you.
*SibTime is a research project funded by the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities, grant # 2 R44 MD015947-02. SibTime is a partnership of Influents Innovations, Oregon Research Institute, and the Sibling Support Project at the Kindering Center, and is directed by Dr. Patricia Vadasy and Jessie Marquez, Influents Innovations.