We have pre-configured the equipment we sent you for this research project. It is important that you follow the set-up steps that we share. Do not follow set-up steps from an online search or tech savvy friends and family.

Troubleshooting Tips

It isn’t you, it’s us. 🙂 Thank you for your patience while you test drive this new technology!

Please reach out to us for support, or follow the tips below:

There is an orange ring on my smart speaker.

If you see the orange ring, contact us for help.

I’m stuck in the FamilyNet skill and can’t seem to move through it, what do I do?

Say Alexa, Stop. Then try starting the skill again. Say Alexa, open FamilyNet

Alexa doesn’t respond to my commands, what do I do?

Make sure you say Alexa and wait until you see the blue ring before you give a command.  

You can test whether the Echo Dot is still connected to the internet by saying Alexa, what time is it? Remember to wait for the blue ring to appear after you say Alexa but before you say what time is it.

Alexa is saying things that don’t seem to be a part of FamilyNet. For example, random songs or podcasts.

Say Alexa, Stop. Then try starting the skill again. Say Alexa, open FamilyNet. 

My smart speaker has a flashing green or yellow ring. What do I do?

This means that you have a notification. When you are free, say Alexa, play notifications 

We send notifications when there is an update for you to listen to. You may also get notifications from Amazon. Feel free to ignore these. 

Alexa asks me to download the Amazon Alexa mobile app. What do I do?

Ignore this request.  

We have preconfigured your smart speakers so you can have a plug-and-play experience. You don’t need to download anything. But do reach out to us if Alexa asks you to download something!

Alexa says “Link your Alexa account to the FamilyNet web-app before you can start using this skill”

If Alexa asks about linking your account to a web-app, contact us for help. 

There is a solid red ring on my smart speaker.

This means that the microphone is turned off and the smart speaker can’t hear you. To turn on the microphone again, press the button that has a circle with a slash through it.

Alexa tells me that it is out of range

Try to bring your TP-Link device (plugged into your modem/router) and the smart speaker closer together. 


Helpful Phrases for Using FamilyNet on your Alexa

  • To hear your notifications, say Alexa, play notifications 

  • To launch FamilyNet, say Alexa, open FamilyNet 

  • To find out your current task or goal, say Alexa, ask FamilyNet what is my goal 

  • To tell FamilyNet that you have completed your task say Alexa, tell FamilyNet I have completed my task or Alexa, tell FamilyNet I did my task 

  • To check on progress, say, Alexa, ask FamilyNet what is my progress, or Alexa, ask FamilyNet about my weekly progress 

  • For help, say Alexa, ask FamilyNet for help 

*Family Net is a research project funded by the National Institutes of Health, grant #1 R43 MH124577-01A1. Family Net is a partnership of Influents Innovations and Oregon Research Institute and is directed by Dr. David Smith at Influents Innovations and Dr. Carol Metzler and Dr. Ed Feil at Oregon Research Institute. The content of the project is solely the responsibility of the project directors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. 

Influent Innovations